
Gold Circle 奖 Profile: 2018 Security Director of the Year 史蒂文Castans

史蒂文Castans, NBC大厦仲量联行的安全主管, 被评为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 2018年度安全总监.

Everyone has their own unique story about how they ended up in the commercial real estate industry. 什么是你的?

从警察局退休后, I partnered with Larry Doria to run SMI (Security Management and Investigations). 我在SMI的工作重点主要是BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台会员建筑, 所以我很快成为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的一员, where I met and become friends with leaders in the industry including Steve Zsigray, 苏珊锤, 马克•安德森, 默娜Coronado, 鲍勃·奎斯特和T.J. Brookover. 我也加入了CREN和ASIS. In 2010, 我们把SMI卖给了Securitas Security USA, 我在那里做郊区的分公司经理, 后来调到流动部门担任分公司经理. 就在我准备退休的时候, 我被任命为NBC大厦的安全主管, 我接受了. 我在这里已经快3年了.

Before working at NBC Tower, you served as Chief of Police f或者是 Cook County Forest Preserve. 你长大后想成为一名警察吗?

我父亲在十大网赌靠谱网址平台当了42年的警察,退休时是中尉. I was exposed to the law enforcement world my whole life, and I always wanted to be a police officer. 我最初参加考试是为了成为一名十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察. When a federal lawsuit stopped the testing process, I became a police officer with Cook County. 几年后, I was contacted by the Chicago Police Department and was invited to become an officer, 但我选择留在县里,因为我已经是警长了.

What are some of the major security challenges facing security directors/property management teams today in commercial office buildings and which tools are most effective in addressing them?

Finding qualified security officers is a major challenge and will continue to be in the future. 快餐连锁店和其他公司每小时提供15美元, 保安招聘池正在急剧萎缩. 展望未来, I believe remote monitoring and a reduction of officers in buildings will be the new trend. We will need to place more emphasis on technology and training to monitor buildings rather than individual officers.

How do you think this increased focus on technology will change security in commercial office buildings?

面部识别, 射频识别, 以及访问控制方面的进步, 谁知道科技能把大楼的安全带到哪里去呢. Right now, you can use your phone to scan into a building and activate a card reader. 面部识别可以打开电梯门. 射频识别 woven into a carpet can tell a property manager what was vacuumed and what was not. 科技将改变大楼的安全.

What are some other security trends you’ve seen over the years in the commercial real estate industry?

管理公司过去常常为个别建筑雇佣保安, and now many of these same companies hire security for an entire portfolio of buildings, 我认为这是正确的方法. 它提供了标准的一致性, 整个投资组合的程序和期望, 同时也降低了成本.

What is one of the biggest security risks in which commercial office buildings need to be prepared?

With easy access to guns, the violent intruder could be the most serious risk to a building. I personally believe that building access should be closed and controlled rather than allowing open access and uncontrolled movement. I like turnstiles to control entry to a building and requiring tenants and visitors to use access cards to enter the premises.  随着家庭暴力的急剧增加, 对个人或团体的攻击使我非常担心.

你最近修改了NBC大厦的紧急程序, 创建一份用不同颜色编码的政策和程序手册. Can you share some best practices for other security directors thinking about creating or updating their own emergency procedure manual?

我发现大多数消防生命安全手册都很笨重,很难使用. I wanted to make NBC’s manual user-friendly so I color-coded each section to represent an event, 比如天气, 火, 医疗紧急情况. This makes it easier for officers or tenants to respond to an emergency event and comply.

制定应急程序时, I recommend that Security Directors talk with their tenants and property management teams to get their input. Having participation from these key stakeholders makes it easier for everyone to understand why we do what we do and how we want them to respond.


军官的外表. 我坚持要体面而自豪地穿着制服.

作为一名前警察局长和以你的 与十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察局和美国联邦调查局关系密切.S. 国务院, can you provide some guidance to our members about ways to strengthen their existing relationships with our local first responders?

It is imperative that the building Security Directors and Property Management know their Police Business Liaison and Police 区 Commander. 在市中心商业区,一栋建筑要么在 1st 区12th 区 或者是 18th 区.  

If you have any foreign government entities in your building, a simple call to the U.S. 国务院 will give you a name of an agent who would be your point person if you would need any questions answered or assistance. 此外,与……一起工作也是非常重要的 十大网赌靠谱网址平台消防局, which most buildings do when they have 火 drills and Fire Life safety training f或者是ir building.

I strongly encourage every property manager to invite the police into the building for table tops or training. 利用会议来分享对大楼平面图的理解, 常见的空间, and critical areas before there is an emergency so when or if there is an emergency, 他们可以更好地回应.

你最近被评为年度导师由 伊利诺伊州安全专业人员协会. 在你的生活中,你有过一位值得注意的导师吗? 你会建议别人如何寻找导师?

我29岁就当上局长了, and most officers in my department had holsters that were older than me [Editor’s note: Steve was the youngest police chief in the US for five years – for departments with 100 or more officers]. 之间的一些 以前的警察局长,州警察中尉. 上校, 我的父亲, I had the opportunity to learn from several mentors who took time to help me succeed.  Since then, I have always recognized the need to mentor anyone who was interested. Today there are several organizations that can assist an individual in succeeding in both Property Management and Security. BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台有 新兴领袖网络 并提供 一些教育课程 协助新物业经理.  


我喜欢画画. 我用油画和水彩画工作,现在我正在尝试其他的媒介.


意大利. Because I’m a painter and artist, I would love to see the museum at the Vatican. 

2019 Gold Circle Award nominations are open September 17 through October 26, 2018. 点击这里 了解更多信息.